The owner and main author of this site is Istvan Horvath, MPS1, member of QCCC2, member of the SRRS3 – a Master Mason4 and Royal Arch Mason5; and recently he was made a 32 degree member in AASR 6. His Masonic journey started in 1994, in the East of Budapest, Hungary. Today he lives in Ontario, Canada, being affiliated with local lodges7. A Past Grand Librarian in his initial jurisdiction and well versed in Masonic lore in at least two languages. He also likes to read and study in the two other languages he is fluent in. Bottom line: he likes languages, linguistics and is a diligent lifetime student of Freemasonry. For the Masonic year 2018-19 and 2019-20-21-22, he was elected and installed as the Worshipful Master of The Electric Lodge.
An independent mind and spirit, his searches took him to various places and on challenging intellectual adventures. Humanitarian work in war-torn countries and being enrolled as a Bible-translator missionary “apprentice”. After exploring the oral traditions of his own mythical birthplace (Transylvania) and that of the Caucasus, he started to record personal and family stories for the generations to come – which turned out to be material for his first book in English, still in the process of making. Writing.
The necessity of translating between various languages either for work or as mental exercise developed into keen attention to clarity in communication.
“I am more and more convinced that in our society we are afraid to express our thoughts and feelings with clarity which in turn makes the process not only ambiguous but also confusing to the point that meaningful exchange of ideas and thoughts became lost in the convoluted embellishments of pleasantries…”
If you got the subtle humour and sarcasm hidden in his quote above – you will enjoy his writings and his ‘to-the-point’ style in discussing even the most delicate issues.
Quick facts about this web adventure:
- it is an attempt to document a personal Masonic journey and the questions met along the road;
- the site is not affiliated with any of the lodges he belongs to or ever belonged;
- the site is not endorsed by any Masonic body (lodge, Grand Lodge, chapter) where he has or had membership;
- technical background is maintained and developed by Mozgolab Communications Group
- it is written by The Other Mason
Disclaimer: The views expressed on this website do not necessarily reflect the views of all Freemasons, nor necessarily any Masonic organization, as individuals or an organization, the web space provider or their advertisers. They do not express the opinions, views, or beliefs of any person other than the author(s).
If there is something on this website that you find offensive, and you do not wish to have yourself exposed to it any further, please feel free to log off of it.
- Member of the Philaletes Society ↩
- Quatuor Coronati Correspondence Circle ↩
- The Scottish Rite Research Society ↩
- Initiated, passed and raised in his mother lodge, Egyenlőség=Equality, under the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary. ↩
- Member in St.John’s/Hamilton chapter, District #6, Ontario ↩
- Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite ↩
- Electric Lodge #495 GRC, Hamilton District C. Also a member of Heritage Lodge #730, the Ontario research lodge, and the Observant Templum Lucis Lodge #747. Member of Canada’s only virtual lodge: Castle Island Virtual Lodge #190, Winnipeg ↩
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